Dez Dalton
Original Seven Level System

Over 25 years Teaching Experience!
Origins of the Great Silence Meditation
The meditation course originates from a native American known as Grandfather ~ Stalking Wolf who was a Lippen Apache medicine man early 1900's. Grandfather spent many years training and receiving teachings from many different tribal elders such as, the ‘Hopi’, ‘Cherokee’, ‘Inuit’ in Alaska and the ‘Shaman’ elders in the Amazon rainforests. Prior to his transition into spirit, Grandfather, divinely guided, passed on his entire knowledge and wisdom to Tom Brown Jr. a young western youth who lived in a lush green pine forest a magnificent land known as the Pine Barron’s of New Jersey in USA.

Grandfather Stalking Wolf
(Artist Anon.)

Experience the healing power and the visionary oddessy of the meditation to calm the mind, relaxation, harmony, joy and bliss within .... bringing freedom from all that no longer serves you.
Through the Great Silence that is this inspirational journey we ‘awaken’ to the inner peace connecting you
to the light of your ‘Divine Presence’.
The Great Silence Meditation is a wholistic blend of both Eastern and Western philosophies.
Uncovered from many great Master Teachers, for you to explore.
Divine Inspirations coming from the powerful and enlightening ‘The I AM Series’ of Green Books written by Godfré Ray King,
Book 1 ~ Book 2 and Book 3 ~ ‘The I AM Discourses’.’.
One of the Master Key elements of the Great Silence Meditation is to empower an inner activation, that creates a bridge,
creating a divine balance connecting your mind to your heart.
Medicine Place - Native American or Sacred Garden of Light
The Great Silence Meditation brings a deeper state of consciousness in which your brain slows down from its normal, beta-wave activity to a calmer alpha state. The alpha state allows you to remain alert and aware without sleepiness.
This causes a sense of deep relaxation and peacefulness brought about by neuro-chemical changes.
When this activation takes place within, you begin to Recognise, Acknowledge and give Acceptance for all the blessings and gifts life has for you, to access and receive your abundant supply of every good thing from the infinite treasure-house of the universe.
Dez Dalton originator and presenter of the Great Silence Guided Meditation ~ Creates a unique blend of East and Western meditation philosophy, lifestyle and teachings and instructs sessions and classes.
The Great Silence Guided meditation is available to book live online sessions.
(not pre-recorded)
Tuesday - Thursday - Sunday 7pm EST time.
$14 per person per class -
Visit - > Book Online or
For monthly classes - > yoga meditation plans & packages