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  • Reiki assit's Physically, Mentally, Emotionally Spiritually and supports the body's natural ability to heal.

  • Has a calming, relaxing effect on emotional stress, tension, hyperactivity and A.D.D. & A.D.H.D. conditions in adults and children.

  • Balances and aligns all the major energy centres or 'chakras' of the human body naturally. Promoting a state of complete relaxation and inner-peace.

  • The energy of Reiki is divinely directed to the cause as well as the symptom of the dis-ease.

  • The 'Original Seven Level System of Reiki' is completely safe and brings stability to the mind, body and brightens the soul.

  • Generating self esteem, self worth and confidence. Thus leaving one feeling rejuvenated and empowered to embrace life and all its many blessings.

  • You can enjoy all of Reiki’s wonderful qualities for yourself!


  • Reiki energy is also perfect for mums and bub's, whereby the mother to be can place her hands over her tummy and abdomen, for both mother and child to receive the beneficial life giving healing energy.

  • When the time arrives assisting the newborn to enter the world all in divine gentle ease and grace. Reiki is completely safe for children and adults of all ages.


  • Reiki relaxes and calms, ideal for your pets and animals is gentle and non-invasive.

  • Can be sent distantly particularly useful for treating mistreated, abused or caged animals. Animals respond well to the healing power of Reiki to heal physical illnesses, injuries, emotional and behavioural issues, including animals that have experienced fear, aggression, loss and separation bringing positive visible results to their owners.

  • Reiki energy is highly beneficial for animals that have suffered emotional trauma by helping the animal to heal emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

  • The Reiki energy can ease in the dying process for animals through offering relief from pain, fear and anxiety. Providing comfort support for your pet and for it's human companions as well.

  • Reiki helps to maintain your pets health and vitality enhancing relaxation and wellbeing. For animals that are ill or injured, it can assist physical healing and provide pain relief.

  • Also reduce the side effects of radio and chemotheraphy speeding up recovery after surgery or illness. Can used as a complimentary therapy to western medicine and any other natural healing modalities. Reiki energy will compliment any veterinary care your pet may be receiving.


  • It is generally recommended that several Reiki healing treatments may be required and given over a number of consecutive days, followed by weekly or forthnightly as necessary.

  • Whichever treatment plan you choose for your pet, it is generally best to receive Reiki in your pet's own environment and home therefore they can feel less stressed in familiar surroundings.

female receiving a reiki treatment
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